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feat: new simpler and working approach to initilize the uart

parent f1432e3e
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1 merge request!1copied and adapted example from mdk, added init and config uart
SOURCES = main.c esp32-c3-uart-interface.c
include $(MDK)/$(ARCH)/
#include "esp32-c3-uart-interface.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
static void config_clock_freq_and_baud_rate(){
//freq = clock source rate / (UART_SCLK_DIV_NUM+UART_SCLK_DIV_A/UART_SCLK_DIV_B)
// baud rate = freq / (UART_CLKDIV + UART_CLKDIV_FRAG / 16)
uart_clk_conf_reg_t *clk_config = UART_CLK_CONF_REG(1);
uart_clkdiv_reg_t *clk_div = UART_CLKDIV_REG(1);
// select the clock source via UART_SCLK_SEL;
// 1 is ABP_CLK with 80 MHz
// 2 is RC_FAST_CLK with default of 17.5 MHz
// 3 is XTAL_CLK with 40 MHz
clk_config->sclk_sel = 1;
// dividing clock to 6 Mhz (divisor should be 13+1/3)
// calculate Baud rate to be 9600 (6Mhz/625)
void config_uart(){
// wait for UART_REG(1)_UPDATE to become 0, which indicates the completion of the last synchronization;
uart_id_reg_t *id = UART_ID_REG(1);
uart_conf0_reg_t *conf0 = UART_CONF0_REG(1);
__asm__("ADDI x0, x0, 0");
// configure static registers (if any) following Section;
// set clock freq to 6MHz
// baud rate to 9600
// configure data length via UART_BIT_NUM;
// configure odd or even parity check via UART_PARITY_EN and UART_PARITY;
// synchronize the configured values to the Core Clock domain by writing 1 to UART_REG_UPDATE.
void enable_uart_transmitter(){
uart_conf1_reg_t *uart_conf1 = UART_CONF1_REG(1);
uart_fifo_reg_t *fifo = UART_FIFO_REG(1);
uart_int_clr_reg_t *int_clr = UART_INT_CLR_REG(1);
uart_int_ena_reg_t *int_ena = UART_INT_ENA_REG(1);
// configure TX FIFO’s empty threshold via UART_TXFIFO_EMPTY_THRHD;
// disable UART_TXFIFO_EMPTY_INT interrupt by clearing UART_TXFIFO_EMPTY_INT_ENA;
// write data to be sent to UART_RXFIFO_RD_BYTE;
// clear UART_TXFIFO_EMPTY_INT interrupt by setting UART_TXFIFO_EMPTY_INT_CLR;
// enable UART_TXFIFO_EMPTY_INT interrupt by setting UART_TXFIFO_EMPTY_INT_ENA;
// detect UART_TXFIFO_EMPTY_INT and wait for the completion of data transmission.
void init_uart(){
// from technical reference manual 543 f
uart_id_reg_t *id = UART_ID_REG(1);
uart_clk_conf_reg_t *clk_config = UART_CLK_CONF_REG(1);
system_perip_clk_en0_reg_t *perip_clk_en0 = SYSTEM_PERIP_CLK_EN0_REG;
system_perip_rst_en0_reg_t *perip_rst_en0 = SYSTEM_PERIP_RST_EN0_REG;
// enable the clock for UART RAM by setting SYSTEM_UART_MEM_CLK_EN to 1;
perip_clk_en0->uart_mem_clk_en = 1;
// enable APB_CLK for UARTn by setting SYSTEM_UARTn_CLK_EN to 1;
perip_clk_en0->uart1_clk_en = 1;
// clear SYSTEM_UARTn_RST;
perip_rst_en0->uart1_rst = 0;
// write 1 to UART_RST_CORE;
clk_config->rst_core = 1;
// write 1 to SYSTEM_UARTn_RST;
perip_rst_en0->uart1_rst = 1;
// clear SYSTEM_UARTn_RST;
perip_rst_en0->uart1_rst = 0;
// clear UART_RST_CORE;
clk_config->rst_core = 0;
// enable register synchronization by clearing UART_UPDATE_CTRL
id->update_ctrl = 0;
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#include <stdint.h>
#define C3_BASE_OFFSET_SYSTEM_REGISTERS ((uint32_t)0x600C0000)
#define C3_UART_CONTROLLER_0_BASE ((uint32_t)0x60000000)
#define C3_UART_CONTROLLER_1_BASE ((uint32_t)0x60010000)
#define C3_UART_CONTROLLER_SELECT(base_select) ((uint32_t)((base_select == 1) ? C3_UART_CONTROLLER_1_BASE : C3_UART_CONTROLLER_0_BASE))
typedef volatile struct {
uint32_t rw_byte;
} uart_fifo_reg_t;
typedef volatile struct {
uint32_t rxfifo_full: 1;
uint32_t txfifo_empty: 1;
uint32_t parity_err: 1;
uint32_t frm_err: 1;
uint32_t rxfifo_ovf: 1;
uint32_t dsr_chg: 1;
uint32_t cts_chg: 1;
uint32_t brk_det: 1;
uint32_t rxfifo_tout: 1;
uint32_t sw_xon: 1;
uint32_t sw_xoff: 1;
uint32_t glitch_det: 1;
uint32_t tx_brk_done: 1;
uint32_t tx_brk_idle_done: 1;
uint32_t tx_done: 1;
uint32_t rs485_parity_err: 1;
uint32_t rs485_frm_err: 1;
uint32_t rs485_clash: 1;
uint32_t at_cmd_char_det: 1;
uint32_t wakeup: 1;
uint32_t reserved: 12;
} uart_int_raw_t;
typedef volatile struct {
uint32_t rxfifo_full_int_ena: 1;
uint32_t txfifo_empty_int_ena: 1;
uint32_t parity_err_int_ena: 1;
uint32_t frm_err_int_ena: 1;
uint32_t rxfifo_ovf_int_ena: 1;
uint32_t dsr_chg_int_ena: 1;
uint32_t cts_chg_int_ena: 1;
uint32_t brk_det_int_ena: 1;
uint32_t rxfifo_tout_int_ena: 1;
uint32_t sw_xon_int_ena: 1;
uint32_t sw_xoff_int_ena: 1;
uint32_t glitch_det_int_ena: 1;
uint32_t tx_brk_done_int_ena: 1;
uint32_t tx_brk_idle_done_int_ena: 1;
uint32_t tx_done_int_ena: 1;
uint32_t rs485_parity_err_int_ena: 1;
uint32_t rs485_frm_err_int_ena: 1;
uint32_t rs485_clash_int_ena: 1;
uint32_t at_cmd_char_det_int_ena: 1;
uint32_t wakeup_int_ena: 1;
uint32_t reserved: 12;
} uart_int_ena_reg_t;
typedef volatile struct {
uint32_t rxfifo_full_int_clr: 1;
uint32_t txfifo_empty_int_clr: 1;
uint32_t parity_err_int_clr: 1;
uint32_t frm_err_int_clr: 1;
uint32_t rxfifo_ovf_int_clr: 1;
uint32_t dsr_chg_int_clr: 1;
uint32_t cts_chg_int_clr: 1;
uint32_t brk_det_int_clr: 1;
uint32_t rxfifo_tout_int_clr: 1;
uint32_t sw_xon_int_clr: 1;
uint32_t sw_xoff_int_clr: 1;
uint32_t glitch_det_int_clr: 1;
uint32_t tx_brk_done_int_clr: 1;
uint32_t tx_brk_idle_done_int_clr: 1;
uint32_t tx_done_int_clr: 1;
uint32_t rs485_parity_err_int_clr: 1;
uint32_t rs485_frm_err_int_clr: 1;
uint32_t rs485_clash_int_clr: 1;
uint32_t at_cmd_char_det_int_clr: 1;
uint32_t wakeup_int_clr: 1;
uint32_t reserved: 12;
} uart_int_clr_reg_t;
typedef volatile struct {
uint32_t div_int: 12;
uint32_t reserved: 8;
uint32_t div_frag: 4;
uint32_t reserved1: 8;
} uart_clkdiv_reg_t;
typedef volatile struct {
uint32_t glitch_filt: 8;
uint32_t glitch_filt_en: 1;
uint32_t reserved: 23;
} uart_rx_filt_reg_t;
typedef volatile struct {
uint32_t parity: 1;
uint32_t parity_en: 1;
uint32_t bit_num: 2;
uint32_t stop_bit_num: 2;
uint32_t sw_rts: 1;
uint32_t sw_dtr: 1;
uint32_t txd_brk: 1;
uint32_t irda_dplx: 1;
uint32_t irda_tx_en: 1;
uint32_t irda_wctl: 1;
uint32_t irda_tx_inv: 1;
uint32_t irda_rx_inv: 1;
uint32_t loopback: 1;
uint32_t tx_flow_en: 1;
uint32_t irda_en: 1;
uint32_t rxfifo_rst: 1;
uint32_t txfifo_rst: 1;
uint32_t rxd_inv: 1;
uint32_t cts_inv: 1;
uint32_t dsr_inv: 1;
uint32_t txd_inv: 1;
uint32_t rts_inv: 1;
uint32_t dtr_inv: 1;
uint32_t clk_en: 1;
uint32_t err_wr_mask: 1;
uint32_t autobaud_en: 1;
uint32_t mem_clk_en: 1;
uint32_t reserved: 3;
} uart_conf0_reg_t;
typedef volatile struct {
uint32_t rxfifo_full_thrhd: 9;
uint32_t txfifo_empty_thrhd: 9;
uint32_t dis_rx_dat_ovf: 1;
uint32_t rx_tout_flow_dis: 1;
uint32_t rx_flow_en: 1;
uint32_t rx_tout_en: 1;
uint32_t reserved: 10;
} uart_conf1_reg_t;
typedef volatile struct {
uint32_t sclk_div_b: 6;
uint32_t sclk_div_a: 6;
uint32_t sclk_div_num: 8;
uint32_t sclk_sel: 2;
uint32_t sclk_en: 1;
uint32_t rst_core: 1;
uint32_t tx_sclk_en: 1;
uint32_t rx_sclk_en: 1;
uint32_t tx_rst_core: 1;
uint32_t rx_rst_core: 1;
uint32_t reserved: 4;
} uart_clk_conf_reg_t;
typedef volatile struct {
uint32_t id :30;
uint32_t update_ctrl :1;
uint32_t reg_update :1;
} uart_id_reg_t;
typedef volatile struct {
uint32_t timers_clk_en: 1;
uint32_t spi01_clk_en: 1;
uint32_t uart_clk_en: 1;
uint32_t reserved: 2;
uint32_t uart1_clk_en: 1;
uint32_t spi2_clk_en: 1;
uint32_t ext0_clk_en: 1;
uint32_t uhci0_clk_en: 1;
uint32_t rmt_clk_en: 1;
uint32_t reserved1: 1;
uint32_t ledc_clk_en: 1;
uint32_t reserved2: 1;
uint32_t timergroup_clk_en: 1;
uint32_t reserved3: 1;
uint32_t timergroup1_clk_en: 1;
uint32_t reserved4: 3;
uint32_t can_clk_en: 1;
uint32_t reserved5: 1;
uint32_t i2s1_clk_en: 1;
uint32_t reserved6: 1;
uint32_t usb_device_clk_en: 1;
uint32_t uart_mem_clk_en: 1;
uint32_t reserved7: 2;
uint32_t spi3_dma_clk_en: 1;
uint32_t apb_saradc_clk_en: 1;
uint32_t systimer_clk_en: 1;
uint32_t adc2_arb_clk_en: 1;
uint32_t reserved8: 1;
} system_perip_clk_en0_reg_t;
typedef volatile struct {
uint32_t timers_rst: 1;
uint32_t spi01_rst: 1;
uint32_t uart_rst: 1;
uint32_t reserved: 2;
uint32_t uart1_rst: 1;
uint32_t spi2_rst: 1;
uint32_t ext0_rst: 1;
uint32_t uhci0_rst: 1;
uint32_t rmt_rst: 1;
uint32_t reserved1: 1;
uint32_t ledc_rst: 1;
uint32_t reserved2: 1;
uint32_t timergroup_rst: 1;
uint32_t reserved3: 1;
uint32_t timergroup1_rst: 1;
uint32_t reserved4: 3;
uint32_t can_rst: 1;
uint32_t reserved5: 1;
uint32_t i2s1_rst: 1;
uint32_t reserved6: 1;
uint32_t usb_device_rst: 1;
uint32_t uart_mem_rst: 1;
uint32_t reserved7: 2;
uint32_t spi3_dma_rst: 1;
uint32_t apb_saradc_rst: 1;
uint32_t systimer_rst: 1;
uint32_t adc2_arb_rst: 1;
uint32_t reserved8: 1;
} system_perip_rst_en0_reg_t;
#define UART_FIFO_REG(base_select) ((uart_fifo_reg_t *)(C3_UART_CONTROLLER_SELECT((base_select)) + 0x0000))
#define UART_INT_RAW(base_select) ((uart_int_raw_t *)(C3_UART_CONTROLLER_SELECT((base_select)) + 0x0004))
#define UART_INT_ENA_REG(base_select) ((uart_int_ena_reg_t *)(C3_UART_CONTROLLER_SELECT((base_select)) + 0x000C))
#define UART_INT_CLR_REG(base_select) ((uart_int_clr_reg_t *)(C3_UART_CONTROLLER_SELECT((base_select)) + 0x0010))
#define UART_CLKDIV_REG(base_select) ((uart_clkdiv_reg_t *)(C3_UART_CONTROLLER_SELECT((base_select)) + 0x0014))
#define UART_RX_FILT_REG(base_select) ((uart_rx_filt_reg_t *)(C3_UART_CONTROLLER_SELECT((base_select)) + 0x0018))
#define UART_CONF0_REG(base_select) ((uart_conf0_reg_t *)(C3_UART_CONTROLLER_SELECT((base_select)) + 0x0020))
#define UART_CONF1_REG(base_select) ((uart_conf1_reg_t *)(C3_UART_CONTROLLER_SELECT((base_select)) + 0x0024))
#define UART_CLK_CONF_REG(base_select) ((uart_clk_conf_reg_t *)(C3_UART_CONTROLLER_SELECT((base_select)) + 0x0078))
#define UART_ID_REG(base_select) ((uart_id_reg_t *)(C3_UART_CONTROLLER_SELECT((base_select)) + 0x0080))
#define SYSTEM_PERIP_CLK_EN0_REG ((system_perip_clk_en0_reg_t *)(C3_BASE_OFFSET_SYSTEM_REGISTERS+0x0010))
#define SYSTEM_PERIP_RST_EN0_REG ((system_perip_rst_en0_reg_t *)(C3_BASE_OFFSET_SYSTEM_REGISTERS+0x0018))
void config_uart();
void init_uart();
void enable_uart_transmitter();
\ No newline at end of file
// All rights reserved
#include <mdk.h>
#include "esp32-c3-uart-interface.h"
int main(void) {
return 0;
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