The purpose of this section is to provide a detailed overview of the labels\footnote{Here, I use the words "codes"/"tags"/"labels" interchangeably.} used for the manual tagging of edit filters.
Here, a detailed overview of the labels\footnote{Here, I use the words "codes"/"tags"/"labels" interchangeably.} used for the manual tagging of edit filters is provided.
\subsection{A few notes on the labels/labeling process}
I started coding strongly influenced by the coding methodologies applied by Grounded Theory scholars~\cite[42-71]{Charmaz2006}and mostly let the labels emerge during the process. %TODO describe in greater detail? should appear in methodology anyway?
I started coding strongly influenced by the coding methodologies applied by grounded theory scholars~\cite[42-71]{Charmaz2006}(described in more detail in chapter~\ref{chap:methods}) and mostly let the labels emerge during the process.
In addition to that, for vandalism related labels, I used some of the vandalism types identified by the community in~\cite{Wikipedia:VandalismTypes}.
However, I regarded the types more as an inspiration and haven't adopted the proposed typology 1:1 since I found some of the identified types quite general and more specific categories seemed to render more insights.
For instance, I haven't adopted the 'addition of text' category since it seemed more insightful(syn!) to have more specific labels such as 'hoaxing' or 'silly\_vandalism', see below for definition.